Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another one

Another earthquake hit this morning- apparently a 6.1. Thankfully the kids are living outside as this will probably great add to the damage and confusion. No word from Haiti yesterday- we are all waiting holding our breath. The governments have cleared the way for humanitarian parole, but the reality is that there is mass confusion and no movement at the US Embassy in Haiti, who is supposed to be processing the kids in order for them to travel. There are reports of kids flying out right now on the news, but this is just a tiny number of kids. Please pray for Chris and Hal- they are doing all they can to keep the kids safe while working through the paperwork. Julie is somewhere on a road between the DR and Port au prince with food- pray that God's hand of protection would be on that team.
Please write emails, make phone calls or send letters to your government officials asking them to ask the US immigration service to get moving on this. there are alot of organizations to help facilitate, but everything stops at the Embassy right now.

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