Friday, February 10, 2012


We are home safe, sound, and healthy.
I thought this trip would be much easier than my previous ones now that my daughters are not being left behind in Haiti. I thought I would fly home without the tears. Instead I find myself weeping for 136 kids who aren't being tucked in by their mommies tonight. Some have both biological and adoptive parent who want to be with them, but just can't be. Some are still just waiting. I saw 20 toddlers jumping up and down yelling MOMMA trying to get my attention. I had a young man pass me a note saying he loved me. I held a 13 pound little baby born with a deformed respiratory system fighting for every breath. I finally got to meet a young lady rescued from living alone in the tent camp. I've prayed for her for 1 1/2 years. She asked me to teach her to swim and we took a lap around the pool together. She told me my children are beautiful. We have only been home 3 hours and it is wonderful to have our family back together but....
I miss Haiti already.

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