Wednesday, August 4, 2010

She's Home...again

Gracie made it through surgery #2 to remove sutures just fine. We caught a real good glimpse of the depth of this little fireball's temper. Enraged by a toy that was affixed to the wall in the presurgery waiting room, Grace tried out her full lung capacity. The nurse decided she needed some anti-anxiety meds. Post surgery Grace screamed and writhed so much she had nurses running for morphine and blowing bubbles in her face to try to soothe her(?). When her Daddy asked if Grace wanted to go, she immediately stopped crying and said "yes". Turkey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord...praying for this little fighter! You've got a fiesty one on your hands...she proved that on the streets in Port-au-Prince!

~Amy in WI