Friday, January 15, 2010


This just in from another adoptive parent. Please join us in praying for an end to these aftershocks.

I just talked to Chris for about 2 minutes.

This is accurate as of this minute. The boys home was damaged (as we knew) after this mornings aftershock (small) the girls/little kids home is not safe. They are moving all of the kids to the church. They will be set up with a small corner of the property by the swingsets. They are all ok.

I will be traveling to Haiti (not sure when I am leaving - within a week). Chris said that they need protien (she specifically mentioned peanut butter) and cash - She said that soon they will be able to use cash, but no access to banks. I am doing whatever I can to gather cash and provisions.

Because He lives and loves us greatly.....

1 comment:

JMES said...

This whole series of post just leaves me in complete awe. Please know that we are praying for Daphna, Grace + the others.