Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Preschoolers Christmas Program

Our beautiful angel and lovable sheep...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

And the X-ray says.....

Grace had follow-up X-rays taken of her hips this week. Her doctor said everything looks GREAT. There is no bone death on the right side where she had surgery last January. The bones continue to calcify. The shocker is that on the left side (where she did not have a socket either at birth) there is now a growing socket -so much so that you can see the white C shape on the X-ray. The hips are actually "perfectly" aligned. The doctor was surprised. He said, "It is in the realm of possibility" that she will not need a second hip surgery. We were bracing ourselves for possibly scheduling the next surgery and the following 12 weeks of spica cast fun. Instead we got a miracle!