Monday, January 31, 2011

Who needs sleep?

hanging out with the buddies

Watching Elmo movies while doing tummy time.

Another night of little sleep- Gracie was up 14 times between 10 and 6. Today we start weening her off her pain meds to see if that will help the sleeping thing a little. Today is she just plain grumpy- has big furrows right down the middle of her forehead. Come to think of it, she has the same expression on her face as she did the day we met her- mad at the world and there is absolutely nothing anyone is going to do to make it any better!
We are getting the hang of the diapering thing, and the changing of the dressings. Size 3 diaper fully equiped with full size feminine hygiene product gingerly stuffed up into the hole in the cast, then the whole thing covered up with a size 6 diaper over the cast in case of blow out. Fun........
I will be heading back to work tomorrow, so please pray for Judy as she tackles this whole new thing, as well as a jealous 3 year old and school for the older three.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Settling in.

Not a whole lot of sleep for Gracie last night, or mom and dad either...She is more annoyed than in pain- she wakes up every half hour or so crying. During the day she did better- didn't nap much this afternoon, but was pretty happy and playful for most of the day.
Probably the most interesting part of the day is potty time. Picture me sitting on a small stool facing Gracie, who is hovering over the top of the toilet staring back at me. She weighs about 45 lbs with cast, and is rather awkward to hold....this was never in the manual....
Anyway, she is doing better than expected- it's good to see her smile and play. Thanks for all the prayers.

Friday, January 28, 2011

She's Home!

We got home just before lunch today- a day earlier than expected. Gracie is doing fine with lesser pain meds- think she is surprising alot of people with how tough she is! In order to go in the van, she needs to lie flat and use two belts that thread through a special harness we buckle her into......I don't think we will be taking her out alot over the next few weeks, it's a little bit of a chore.
We used the wagon to get her out of the hospital. You know, just when I thought we were somewhat of a spectacle, we up the ante a little bit. Funny how people tend to stare a little as we go by.....
At home she lies flat in a wheelchair or on a bean bag- she had fun opening up a couple presents when she got here.
Thanks for all the prayers and care- it has been amazing and humbling to see just how many people are behind us, and just how God keeps showing up and doing miracles for this little girl. From the lowest place in the world (the slum Gracie was found in is now considered the poorest and most dangerous place in the world!) to the newest and fanciest hospital in the richest country in the world. Throw in one of the best doctors in the country who has taken quite a shine to her- what a miracle this little girl is, and what an honor to get to be part of it.
thanks all, and blessings!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Uh Oh, she just realized she can't sit up....

all is good

We are all up here for the day- olders are watching a movie, Gracie is watching and playing with her books and balloon. She is doing so well, she might get out of here earlier than we thought.....too bad, the slushies, tv and other amenities are better than home. Wonder if we could teach her to fake out the doc.......
A fitful night, but didn't need morphine. Grace was fitful in the evening, whinny from 10-2, and slept good from 2-5. Her right foot was very swollen and cold early this morning. Her IV was turned off and elevating it has helped. For now we don't have to put slits in the cast. She no longer has to wear a blood pressure cuff and the doctor took off the "blood evacuator". I managed to change my first diaper(s) alone. Grace is asking about all her siblings and wondered if Daphna has owwees too. They are coming up for a visit this morning. Between the one demand movies and deluxe snack bar (complete with slushy machine), they may never want to go home. This is an amazing hospital.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Settling in

We have made it to our room on the 7th floor. Water is staying down. Hoping to move on to rice soon!
notice that Elmo is also wearing a body cast- thanks Megan!

She's Out!

We are in the recovery room getting ready to head up to her "permanent room" She did awesome- took a long time to get her air tube in (1 hour) because of her small airway (Sheldon Hall Syndrome), but once they got her going everything went smooth, and there was much less cutting then expected with the leg fitting right into her newly formed socket.
Long road ahead, but first hurdle is cleared.
thanks for prayers, and keep going- things should get interesting when morphine wears off. Pictures are coming soon!
THE DOCTOR DID NOT HAVE TO CUT GRACE'S FEMUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The plan had been to see if her right femur could be moved into place. Her doctor did not think this would be possible. He figured 2 cm of it would have to be removed. Got word from the OR nurse. He was able to move the femur without shortening it. So thankful for the skillful hands of this surgeon and his cautious approach. Thank you for your prayers. She's doing okay.

Surgery Day

She is in! Surgery was delayed by a couple hours and then got a late start. They did not begin until a little after 10 this morning. Grace did great. She only got upset when she did not get to stay and play with the "Isaacs" like Daphna does and when she saw (and recognized) her doctor. They are planning to inject dye into the left hip first which will take an hour. Then they will move on the right hip. Once surgery is complete she will be casted and then have a CAT scan. Sounds like it will be at least a 6 hour wait. By the way kids, the nurse confirmed that she can have a red Elmo cast. We are eagerly awaiting our first 2 hour update from the operating room.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Surgery #3

We are preregistered and ready to go for surgery number 3 for Grace. She is heading to the new Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital January 26 (a.k.a. Gotcha Day) to have open reduction surgery on her right hip. Both hips are currently dislocated and the sockets are very shallow. This surgery involves cutting 2 inches off her femur, putting a plate in, moving the femur into place in the socket and creating a lip out of bone to keep it in place. She will be in the hospital for at least 3 days. After that she will be in a spica cast for 6 weeks. As of last week she started having a change in her gait. Her doctor thinks the left hip might be slipping farther out of place. He will be injecting dye into the left hip during this surgery to get a better idea of what is going on that side. This will determine when we head back in for surgery #4. Did I mention she really doesn't care for doctors and definitely can't stand the hospital?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2010

These pictures were taken January 12 last year only hours before the earthquake. Feeling the weight of the conflicting emotions today. Gratitude for the miracle that brought our girls home - sadness for the many grieving today as they face this anniversary.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Powerful message

God calls us to be on mission- check out this video that calls men up. God wants us in the world......
leadership video