Thursday, December 23, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Help Haiti Act passed!

Ya know, the more we look back on the journey over the last 3 years, the more we recognize the clear workings and movements of God's hands. "He sure is not a tame Lion, but He is good...."

“Today, the House passed the Help HAITI Act, an important piece of humanitarian legislation that continues America’s constructive response to the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti early this year. Following the earthquake, more than 1,000 Haitian orphans were brought to the United States by adoptive American families; the bill we passed today ensures that those children, just like all other children adopted from abroad, will have permanent resident status. For the adoptive parents who generously took Haitian orphans into their homes, the guarantee of permanent resident status means that their children will enjoy a full range of legal protections and will no longer be stuck in legal limbo.

“The adoption of more than 1,000 orphans has been in proud keeping with America’s tradition as a welcoming refuge. I am happy that this bill, which is now ready for President Obama’s signature, gives full legal recognition to these adopted children and paves the way for what I am sure will be their important contributions to our country.”