Thank you, thank you to everyone who has donated items for us to bring with us to Haiti. We have a growing formula mountain in our living room. Thank you for your generosity. We currently have 116 lbs. of supplies to bring. We just realized we can also carry on one "personal item" each. That means the total weight we can bring is 360 lbs! Some of that will be taken up with our own clothes/etc., lunch food, and everything our girls will need for a week, but we definately have room for more.
This weekend we were able to attend the HIS Home 10th anniversary picnic in Ohio. It was so good to see Chris and Hal again. Chris said they are in need of socks and underwear for the older kids heading back to school and for medicines. She told us Grace is getting physical therapy on her hands everyday and is using her fingers well to play with toys. She may need surgery when she is 12 or 13 years old as her fingers sit crooked on her hands, but she is able to use them. Grace also is wearing her braces on her legs and in about 2 months time her feet have now turned to the correct position. Even when the braces are removed, her feet stay in place. For now the braces are on 24 hours a day, but when she begins walking she will only have to wear them at night. Yes, I just wrote... WHEN she begins walking. It looks like this will really happen. Daphna is doing great too. As far as the orphanage goes, the rock throwing has stopped and the drainage problem is getting fixed. Since hurricane season has now arrived, this is a very good thing. Thanks to everyone who made donations to financially make these repairs possible.
Please continue to pray for the 123 kids at HIS Home. On July 2 Ronald, a 16 year old, will have heart surgery. He is frightened as he has had a similar surgery before and knows the struggle he has ahead.
This ministry has captured our hearts. We feel blessed to be on this amazing journey. Thanks for joining us on it.